6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Antoinette Conca, MScN with the persons below:
Doaa Ebrahim
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Manager ICT and Processes
Person: Lecturer
Florian Fehlmann
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Program Director
Person: Researcher
Agnes Leu, Prof. Dr. iur.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Vice Rector Research
Person: Researcher
Claudia Müller, Prof. Dr.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Research Fellow
Person: Researcher
Lara Nonnenmacher
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Senior Researcher
Person: Researcher