Combining Genetical, Developmental, and Evolutionary Processes in an Artificial System to Evolve the Morphology of the Precambrian Dickinsonia costata

  • Schatz, Wolfgang (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
  • Eggenberger Hotz, Peter (Leitende(r) Forscher/-in)
  • Hadorn, Maik (Weitere Forschende)



The goal of this project was the development of an artificial system in order to examine the evolutionary relations between genome changes and external morphology. This goal was achieved by combining genetical, developmental, and evolutionary processes to evolve the morphology of the Precambrian fossil Dickinsonia costata. On one hand computer science may provide a reliable tool to investigate aspects of morphology and ecology of a fossil organism, which cannot be gained by the fossil record. On the other hand, paleontology provides an insight into the processes of morphological changes in time (e.g. anagegesis, evolutionary pathways). Therefore, paleontology improves our knowledge about evolutionary processes. In this work collaboration between computer science and paleontology is established using the advantages of one another.

The artificial evolutionary model is based on cells each equipped with a genome. Each gene within the genome is linked to a function or a product (analog of a structural gene) and is regulated by one or several regulatory units. Each cell will perform its linked function (cell division and cell adhesion) depending on the subset of active genes. Cellular interactions implemented as viscoelastic elements are simulated. A differential genetic regulatory network -controlling the developmental processes - forms the core of the artificial evolutionary system. It is coupled to a simulator, which describes intercellular forces.

In the field of paleontology and computer science further applications of the herein proposed artificial evolutionary system are conceivable like investigations on phenotypic plasticity, simulating locomotion of extinct organisms (and therefore a possible linking of fossil traces and its originator), new approaches in development and control of modular robots.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/09/0331/08/05


  • Paläontologisches Institut und Museum der Universität Zürich (Leitung)
  • University of Southern Denmark (Projektpartner)
  • Universität Zürich (Projektpartner)


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