Implementing Buurtzorg-derived models in the home care setting: a Scoping Review

Anna Hegedüs, Anita Schürch, Iren Bischofberger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background Buurtzorg is a pioneering healthcare organization founded in the Netherlands. Buurtzorg has established independent, self-managing teams of nurses and promises high-quality home care at a lower cost through person-centered care, continuity of care, building trusting relationships, and networks in the neighborhood. Traditional home care services are increasingly reorganized according to the Buurtzorg-principles. Objectives This review aims to describe the experiences gathered during the implementation of the Buurtzorg-derived model outside the Netherlands. It further outlines their potential effects. Design Scoping Review Methods Several electronic databases were searched for relevant articles, supplemented by hand-searching and internet searches for gray literature. Various publication types that described the implementation of the Buurtzorg model or its outcomes in countries other than the Netherlands were included. The data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Two authors coded the data in several cycles and created categories and subcategories. Results The review identified 25 publications reporting the experiences or outcomes of Buurtzorg-derived models outside the Netherlands. Upon implementing elements of Buurtzorg, the home care organizations adopted a person-centered care approach, with improved communication with patients and family caregivers, and could establish new networks with other services. The main challenges were related to the self-managed working culture, the organizational framework, or national healthcare policies, which hindered the implementation process. Conclusions The implementation of Buurtzorg-derived models is complex, challenging, and requires adaptations on several levels: upskilling of networking and staffing competencies in teams, leadership and IT requirements in the organization, and policy changes in the healthcare system. Individualized approaches and solid conceptual preparation are required for implementation. Tweetable abstract Experiences with the implementation of Buurtzorg in home care services outside the Netherlands. A scoping review @HegeduesAnna
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)100061
Number of pages1
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Buurtzorg
  • Community care
  • experience
  • home care
  • Implementation
  • Nursing
  • Scoping Review
  • self-management


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