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Elena Alder
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Reseacher, Scientific coordinator
Person: Researcher
Michael Bühler, Prof. Dr.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Kalaidos University of Music - Rector of the Kalaidos University of Music
Person: Researcher
Sarah Chiller, Prof. Dr.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Department of Applied Psychology - Director Research Psychology
Person: Researcher
Christian Conrad
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Program Director
Person: Researcher
Michael Dantlgraber, Dr.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Department of Business and Management - Senior Researcher
Person: Researcher
Saskia De Gani, Dr.
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Senior Researcher
Person: Researcher
Doaa Ebrahim
- Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Careum School of Health - Manager ICT and Processes
Person: Lecturer